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Browsing reports

When you open the app, you will be redirected to the Reports screen, where you can browse the reports list to find a report that you want to work with.

Reports screen displaying an unfiltered list of reports

Only the reports for which you have at least view access will be listed on the Reports screen. Learn more about configuring report access.

Sorting the reports list

By default, the reports list is sorted by Report name. You can change how the list is sorted by clicking on the column header for the column you wish to sort by. Clicking on the same column header twice will reverse the sort order. The columns that support sorting are: Report name, Category, and Access.

Reports screen displaying a list of reports with the 'Report name' column heading hovered

Filtering the reports list

If you have access to a lot of reports, it may be easier to find the report you want to work with by applying filters to the list. You can filter by text search, category, and access level. Filters are additive, so you can combine each of the available filters to further narrow the list.

To filter the list by text search, enter a text query in the "Find a report" search box above the reports list. The search will match any Report name or Description that contains the query.

Reports screen displaying a list of reports filtered by text search

Filtering by category

If there are any report categories configured, you can filter the list by selecting a category that you're interested in. By default, all categories are displayed.

Reports screen displaying a list of reports with the category filter menu open Reports screen displaying a list of reports filtered by category

Filtering by access level

You can filter the list by selecting a particular access level ("Open", "Limited" or "Private"). By default, all access levels are displayed.

Reports screen displaying a list of reports with the access filter menu open Reports screen displaying a list of reports filtered by access level

Viewing a report

When you've found a report that you wish to view in the list, simply click on the link in the Report name column. Learn more about viewing a report.

Reports screen displaying a list of reports with a report name hovered

Report actions

You can access other actions for a given report by clicking the More actions button in the report's row.

Reports screen displaying a list of reports with the actions menu open for a selected report

Only report administrators will see the Report settings and Delete report options in the Actions menu for a given report.