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Fields reference

This reference provides detailed information about the fields that you can use in your reports. Fields are used by columns, filtering rules, sorting rules, grouping rules, and formula fields.

Jira fields

Jira fields are issue fields that exist in your Jira instance. These fields are generally available for use throughout Jira. Jira fields may be built-in or custom:

Built-in fields

Built-in fields are Jira fields that are available in every Jira instance (e.g. Project, Status, Issue Type). Built-in fields typically have a descriptive field key (e.g. project).

Custom fields

Custom fields are instance-specific Jira fields that are installed by Atlassian (e.g. Story Points, Sprint, Team), installed by a third-party Jira app (e.g. Tempo Account, Tempo Team), or configured by the instance's Jira administrator (e.g. Some custom text field). Custom fields have a generic field key (e.g. customfield_10028). While the same custom field may exist in many Jira instances, the field key may be different in each instance.

Virtual fields

Virtual fields are fields that are created by Limbr Reports. Virtual fields are available for use in reports, but are not available for use in other parts of Jira. Currently there are two types of virtual fields:

Extracted fields

Extracted fields extract nested or related data from Jira fields. For example, Jira's built-in Project field can be used in reports to display (or filter by, group by, sort by, etc.) the project name. However, Jira does not offer separate fields to access other properties of the project, such as the project category, project type or project key. Limbr Reports adds virtual fields that extract these properties so that they can be used in reports just like any other field (e.g. Project → Type). Extracted fields have a descriptive field key based on the key of the source field (e.g. project__projectType).

Formula fields

Formula fields dynamically calculate their values at runtime using a formula expression defined by the report administrator. Formula fields can use other fields as inputs. For example, while Jira has a built-in field to capture the time spent on an issue, it doesn't natively allow you to apply an hourly cost rate to the time spent in order to calculate the cost of the issue. Limbr Reports solves this problem by allowing you to create a formula field that dynamically calculates the cost of the issue by defining a formula expression that multiplies the value of the built-in 'Time Spent' field by an hourly rate that you specify. Formula fields have a descriptive field key defined by the report administrator (e.g. formula_cost).

Field types

Every field has a type that describes the data type of the field's value. There are several generic field types (e.g. Short Text, Paragraph, Number, Date, Date/Time) that are broadly used by both Jira fields and virtual fields. There are also many narrower field types that cater to various Jira features (e.g. Issue Type, Project, User, Version).

Field features

Each field may support some or all Limbr Reports features, depending on the field's type.

FeatureAll fieldsSome fields
Display as a column in the report
Use to filter the report's rows
Use to sort the report's rows
Use to group the report's rows
Use to summarize report data with aggregationsPartial
Reference as a variable in a formula expression

Supported fields


Since Limbr Reports supports instance-specific custom fields, it's impossible to provide a comprehensive list of supported fields. The table below is a non-exhaustive list of common fields with their supported features.

Jira platform

Field nameField typeFilteringSortingGroupingAggregationFormula variable
AssigneeUser (Single)
CreatorUser (Single)
Due DateDate
Issue KeyIssue Key
Issue TypeIssue Type
Last ViewedDate/Time
Original EstimateDuration
ParentIssue Key
Parent → Issue TypeIssue Type
Parent → PriorityPriority
Parent → StatusStatus
Parent → SummaryShort Text
Parent LinkIssue Key
Project → CategoryShort Text
Project → KeyShort Text
Project → TypeProject Type
Remaining EstimateDuration
ReporterUser (Single)
Security LevelSecurity Level
SubtasksIssue Key (Multiple)
SummaryShort Text
Target endDate
Target startDate
Time SpentDuration
Work RatioPercentage
Σ Original EstimateDuration
Σ ProgressPercentage
Σ Remaining EstimateDuration
Σ Time SpentDuration

Jira Software projects

Field nameField typeFilteringSortingGroupingAggregationFormula variable
Affects VersionsVersion (Multiple)
Epic ColorEpic Color
Epic LinkIssue Key
Epic Link → ColorEpic Color
Epic Link → KeyIssue Key
Epic Link → NameShort Text
Epic Link → SummaryShort Text
Epic NameShort Text
Epic StatusSelect List (Single)
Fix VersionsVersion (Multiple)
FlaggedSelect List (Multiple)
SprintSprint (Single)
Sprint → All SprintsSprint (Multiple)
Sprint → Completed DateDate/Time
Sprint → GoalShort Text
Sprint → End DateDate/Time
Sprint → Previous SprintsSprint (Multiple)
Sprint → Start DateDate/Time
Sprint → StatusSprint Status
Story PointsNumber
Story point estimateNumber

Jira Service Management projects

Field nameField typeFilteringSortingGroupingAggregationFormula variable
Affected HardwareShort Text
ApproversUser (Multiple)
Approver GroupsGroup (Multiple)
Backout planParagraph
Change completion dateDate/Time
Change reasonSelect List (Single)
Change riskSelect List (Single)
Change start dateDate/Time
Change typeSelect List (Single)
Customer Request TypeCustomer Request Type
EnvironmentShort Text
ImpactSelect List (Single)
Implementation planParagraph
OrganizationsOrganization (Multiple)
Pending reasonSelect List (Single)
Planned endDate/Time
Planned startDate/Time
Request ParticipantsRequest Participants
Request TypeRequest Type
Satisfaction RatingSatisfaction Rating
Satisfaction DateDate/Time
SeveritySelect List (Single)
Test planParagraph
UrgencySelect List (Single)

Jira custom fields

Field nameField typeFilteringSortingGroupingAggregationFormula variable
Custom CheckboxesSelect List (Multiple)
Custom Date PickerDate
Custom Date/Time PickerDate/Time
Custom Group Picker, SingleGroup (Single)
Custom Group Picker, MultipleGroup (Multiple)
Custom LabelsLabels
Custom NumberNumber
Custom ParagraphParagraph
Custom Project PickerProject
Custom Project Picker → CategoryShort Text
Custom Project Picker → KeyShort Text
Custom Project Picker → TypeProject Type
Custom Radio ButtonsSelect List (Single)
Custom Select List, CascadingSelect List (Cascading)
Custom Select List, Cascading → Child ValueSelect List (Single)
Custom Select List, Cascading → Parent ValueSelect List (Single)
Custom Select List, Multiple ChoicesSelect List (Multiple)
Custom Select List, Single ChoiceSelect List (Single)
Custom Short TextShort Text
Custom User Picker, SingleUser (Single)
Custom User Picker, MultipleUser (Multiple)
Custom Version Picker, SingleVersion (Single)
Custom Version Picker, MultipleVersion (Multiple)

Jira Marketplace Apps

Field nameField typeFilteringSortingGroupingAggregationFormula variable
AccountTempo Account
Tempo TeamTempo Team

Virtual fields

Field nameField typeFilteringSortingGroupingAggregationFormula variable
Formula FieldFormula