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March 21, 2016

Various improvements

  • (Improvement) Replaced drag-and-drop style reordering of configuration rules in favour of simple up/down buttons. While a bit slicker in theory, the drag-and-drop implementation was unfortunately a bit flaky in practice and was slow when working with more 5-6 configuration rules - the buttons are much more responsive.
  • (Improvement) When configuring columns, aggregation, grouping or sorting rules, fields that are already in-use are now removed from the selector.
  • (Improvement) Removed the "Data Source" configuration option until other data sources are actually available.
  • (Improvement) Improved user experience for identifying and resolving syntax errors in the configured JQL Query.

Various fixes

  • (Fix) Fixed an issue that prevented the data table from updating after certain configuration changes.
  • (Fix) Fixed an issue that caused the previous report's data to be displayed briefly after navigating to a different report.