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December 8, 2018

User privacy improvements

This release implements Atlassian's guidelines for improved user privacy in advance of upcoming privacy controls in Jira and the announced deprecation of username and userKey fields throughout the Atlassian Cloud platform. Previously, users within each individual Jira instance were uniquely identified by user key, and Limbr Reports stored this metadata in order to enable user-scoped sharing rules and administration permissions for each report. Additionally, Limbr Reports logged the user key for authentication and technical support purposes. Unfortunately, it is common for the user key to contain personally identifying information (PII) such as the user's first or last name, which is not ideal for user privacy.

Recent changes to Atlassian's APIs have made it possible to uniquely identify users across the Atlassian Cloud platform by their Atlassian account ID, a randomly generated UUID that does not contain PII. As of this release, Limbr Reports uses the account ID exclusively for all use cases where identification is necessary. Additionally, all historical metadata stored on our servers has been migrated to use account ID.

No end-user impacting changes are expected for this release - please raise a support request if you notice something out of the ordinary!